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Fall Update…

It’s truly fall here now… truly

Rain, chill, gray skies, dark mornings…fall in all it’s reality (vs splendor)

I’m good with rain, okay with chill but deep cold has me holed up at home baking and drinking tea…good thing I have commitments that take me outside, otherwise I might never go.

Life out here has most definitely added to my schedule. While I don’t hold down a full time job I am busy–all the time. Busier, in fact, than I imagined I would be. Last week it was a church sewing project. 100+ yards of white nylon fabric for a drape across our main stage. Blessedly there were 3 of us stitching.

Because of the patient and loving instruction of my Advance (young adult) leader (who is 27) I’ve learned to do technical things on the computer that I didn’t know existed (spreadsheets are my nemesis). I can group text, copy text, erase text (there is this shake thing on an iPhone that happens) and I’m getting better at the whole emoji/gif thing.  My text message feed is epic.

Then there is always my gym. Water aerobics, yoga and anything else my body can tolerate. I met a new friend, recent emigre from Nebraska (ha ha, tricked you!). She’s a Christian, moved here to be near her daughter and new grand baby, looking for a church and had been on our website several times. Did I invite her? You betcha! And she came!!

My excitement knows no bounds

Having a friend with a similar life experience is one of those things I’ve missed out here in the city. While I have loved and adored meeting and listening to the stories of our church members, learning about their cultures, life experiences and histories…I’ve been homesick for the familiar.

I’ve missed the suburbs

Gardens, parking, space, privacy, parking, minimal crowds, parking… Earlier this fall I spent $20 on public transportation over a 3 day period of time.  2 flat living is nice and I couldn’t have better neighbors, but I do miss my privacy and our large back yard with my beautiful plants. Soda tax?! Not in McHenry county! And $.7 pr plastic bag at the store is royally inconvenient. Then there are the flies in the backyard…with all the garbage cans less than 30ft from the grass it can’t be helped. No patio dining at our place this summer.

I knew this would happen and wasn’t surprised when I hit the wall. I wanted to throw in the towel, move home to the Grove and commute on the train to do what I do out here. I knew it couldn’t happen but a part of me was looking for that doorway back to familiarity and comfort. You don’t realize how much convenience is King until you don’t have it. For those who’ve never experienced suburban living there is no comparison but for moi’…

It’s hard

Added to this malaise is of course, the incredible amount of misery around the world.

Hurricanes and earthquakes, loss of life and home


Terrorism here and abroad

Politics (Lord save us all)

And the never ending saga of media blather that reports of another pervert, rapist, molester and so on and so on and so on….

Don’tcha wish there was someplace to escape to? Hide from it all? Run away to and pretend it doesn’t exist?

It also hasn’t helped that I’ve felt prompted to read an Old Testament book–Ezekiel.

I’m not one to dwell on old time prophecies or to try and find their metaphorical equivalent for today. In fact, you could say that I’ve been a life time avoider of some of the “Gloom and Doom” prophets in the OT. I’d much rather dwell on those feel good books and verses. The ones that tell me how much I’m loved, cherished, how that love can’t ever abandon me, that I’ll be changed, am being changed and that I’ll make it all the way to the next life.

And of all the prophets to read – EZEKIEL?!

Help me Lord

As I’ve navigated my way through it, with a dictionary and handbook by my side, I’ve come across a phrase that repeats itself over and over again…

Then they/you shall know that I am The LORD”

It’s repeated at least once every chapter (sometimes multiple times). Bruce read the book (in a couple of days) and said that if they made a movie from this book it would be XXX rated. I haven’t reached those chapters yet, I’ll take his word for it.

But it poses a question that I find relevant today…

What will it take for a person to finally reach the place that they will acknowledge that Jesus is The LORD?

I say Jesus because we now have the NT so we read the OT with a completed story. What does it take? How far will a person go before they surrender to the Lord? Ol’ Zeke tells of a people whose hearts are so hardened, indulged, wasted, privileged yet lacking in any compassion, absent any reverence for holiness and God’s presence that it took almost total annihilation.


Israel, at one point had the respect and awe of the known world and they squandered it on rampant, pornographic idolatry. They were so self-fulfilled they had no need for God. They forgot their forefather’s efforts and sacrifices. They abandoned any pretense of obedience to the Law.


What will it take for people to finally acknowledge the sovereignty of God? His ultimate power to give and take away (and yes, even our lives).

Phillipians 2:10 “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”

It comforts me when I see so much evil in the world to know that some day the scales will be balanced. Jesus will win and everyone, even those “under” the earth (whatever that means) will call him Lord. It adds a perspective to my personal inconvenience. If it helps even one person call him Lord before he returns to claim that position forever it’s worth it. Knowing that we are simply passing through and the best is yet to come gives me encouragement to continue the journey full throttle.

So parking–you’re ON!

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